I love that we have choices! I am a huge proponent of knowledge, learning, and information. What's that saying? Once you stop learning, you start dying. I commend those who do their research and look for information as they make decisions for their family.
We carry both raw and pasteurized milk. The main difference - when milk is pasteurized it is heated to a high temperature for a very short amount of time to kill any potential bacteria that could be in the milk from any of the steps from pre milking, milking, to bottling.
The reason pasteurization of milk became the standard was due to many diseases and illnesses stemming from the lack of technology in farming practices before and during the industrial boom in the late 1800s.
Pasteurization was a cheap and easy fix to the problem, since then better practices, more regulation, and technology has ensured a safer product for the consumer.
The federal government has continued to stay with the pasteurization standard. However, many states have adopted raw milk acceptance legislation. Arizona being one of them. Arizona raw milk must meet Grade A standards. The milk must be tested and meet the same bacterial standards as pasteurized milk.
As for the difference between raw & pasteurized from a culinary perspective, the raw milk will be noticeably creamier, and slightly sweeter. Many raw milk enthusiasts seek it out for the health benefits. As any pure food becomes processed, blended, separated and cooked it looses vital nutrients like vitamins, and living probiotic bacteria. Plus, it's an excellent source of raw protein.
If you choose to drink raw milk I encourage you to get to know the farmer it is coming from and the health and safety practices they employ. The milk in our Country Store is from Iron Rodeo Acres in Chino Valley. We offer both raw and pasteurized to give our customers the opportunity to choose which they would like.
A little back story about Iron Rodeo Acres - our bulls breed their cattle and they fed a specially blended feed made with ingredients all grow at Mortimer Farms.
Iron Rodeo Acres’ pasteurized milk is different than the milk in the grocery store because they do not separate cream or homogenize (a process in which the fat droplets are emulsified so the cream does not separate). They also use Vat-pasteurization (the milk is processed at a gentler temperature than other pasteurization methods). This helps their milk maintain its thick, rich, and creamy taste.
As for any raw food (plant or animal), the risk is there for bacteria contamination. That's why Iron Rodeo Acres test every batch, raw & pasteurized in their farm lab, and samples are taken from their products and tanks routinely by the AZ Dept of Ag. Milk must be up to the department’s standards, pass all tests and be in accordance to all regulations.
As stated above, we offer both raw and pasteurized milk in the Country Store. Both of which are up to AZ Dept. of Ag's high standards, tested, and verified.
For more information on raw and pasteurized milk, you can visit https://agriculture.az.gov/animals/animal-services-inspections/dairy-inspections. This resource also speaks more about the standards dairies in Arizona must follow.