Mr. Chompers (the goose) with his duck friends. He used to think he was a chicken. We tried relocating him to the pond, but he would fly back to the chickens before we could even get back. Then we blindfolded him, drove around town to get him lost, and took him to the Orchard pond. He now loves the pond and thinks he’s a duck.
We are harvesting from both blackberry fields! Blackberries are a 20-year crop. The older field, now in its 6th year, features a larger variety that is less sweet. The second field, in its 2nd year, offers a smaller but sweeter blackberry variety. Interestingly, the older field ripens earlier in the season and the newer field has a longer season. Jeez! I LOVE BLACKBERRY SEASON!!
We love the rain! All Arizona farmers and ranchers love the rain. Rain waters native plants and grasses, fills dirt ponds for the cattle to drink, and helps in our water conservation efforts. Speaking of water conservation, our commitment to sustainable farming is highlighted by our use of permanent crops and major irrigation investments that help us save a tremendous amount of water. Keep reading to hear the huge percentage of water we save at Mortimer Farms.
Hola, Jose!
It’s blackberry season!!
Most of the water tanks at the ranch are supplied by rainwater. When we don’t have adequate rainstorms to fill the water tanks, we haul water to the cattle. Please join us in praying for rain! The cattle, wildlife, and land need rain!
This calf greeted us at the water tank today. ❤️
It’s truly special to see the third generation embracing farm life! Farming, caring for the land, and feeding our community are labors of love that bring us immense joy. We’re passionate about growing food and instilling in the next generation our deep love and commitment to being caretakers of this land and conserving our water!
Conservation of natural resources, especially water, is a huge part of our mission! Historically, the farm used flood irrigation, where water flooded across fields and seeped into the ground. However, this method wasn’t ideal for our farm. Since purchasing the property, we’ve invested significantly to convert the entire farm to drip and pivot irrigation systems. These conversions have dramatically reduced water usage by 90%, compared to historical levels. We employ cutting-edge technology to ensure we use water efficiently while growing food and sustaining our community.
These commitments not only benefit our community today but will also continue to impact generations to come. Farming is our life’s work. It is our calling on this Earth!
Blackberry Burger from the Windmill Kitchen? Yes, please! THIS WEEKEND!
Mortimer Blackberry BBQ Sauce
Mortimer Raised Ground Beef
Pickled Red Onions
Goat cheese
Mortimer Farms ingredients. True farm to table experience!
I ATE AN EAR OF MORTIMER SWEET CORN TODAY! we are days away from the start of the sweet corn season! & getting closer and closer to Sweet Corn & Watermelon Festival! Aug. 24th + 25th!
While we host hundreds of private events, we are dedicated to ensuring the success of your event as if it were the sole focus all year. Every detail is meticulously attended to, as if it were our own personal occasion. Jenna, our venue coordinator, plays a pivotal role in fulfilling this commitment. Your trust is paramount to us, and we are honored to help bring your dream event to life!
The wows we hear and pure joy we see as a result of the pick your own experience is indescribable!
On July 15th, we planted a few more rows of blackberry vine transplants (baby plants). Blackberries are a 20-year crop. We love perennial crops because they establish a deep root system that results in water savings. Conserving water is a top priority!
It is blackberry season now!
A part of our family for 27 years.
He started working with us a few years after opening our landscape and nursery location in Prescott, Mortimer Nursery.
Selena (@sorensenstudios) might not call herself a wildlife photographer but I now do. These photos are beautiful! As farmers we aren’t only caring for our own animals but we are providing habitat and water for wildlife.
***** To enter the giveaway please go to our Instagram story and respond to the most recent question box with your mailing address.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for caring about the story of your food. Thank you for supporting our family, our team, our farm, and Arizona agriculture!