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A Day in the Life of...


...A Proud American.

There is nothing in this world more patriotic than the presentation of the American Flag on the Fourth of July. One of my favorite sights is at the “World’s Oldest Rodeo” in Prescott Arizona. Each year thousands of men and women bring their families and their horses to celebrate our great country. During this celebration the Rodeo selects the fastest horse and the best rider to carry the American Flag into the arena. The gathered farmers, ranchers, and community members show their love for this country by standing and honoring our country’s values and history. United and strong we pray to the God that created us and we Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Then all at once we sing “…For the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave”. The image and the feelings given by this enormous group of united Americans is beyond any other. 

This sense of pride does not only come once a year at the rodeo. This sense of pride is lived every day by the men and women that produce our country’s food. Farmers and ranchers are what I picture when I think of what it means to be an American. I picture freedom to worship God and I picture agriculture! I see “sky high” corn, big John Deere Tractors, kids playing in the dirt, barns, and American Flags. I see a young boy checking a pasture full of cattle, I see a group of 70-year-old men admiring fields of wheat, I see American families working together to provide food. In my eyes agriculturalists are America. 

Happy Independence Day!

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