Hey everyone! Ashlee here... Since it's just about time for all of you to come and visit us again to celebrate fall I wanted to take a minute and tell you why we open our gates up to you - specifically during the Pumpkin Fest + I thought it was the perfect time to tell you about some of my childhood memories - memories that thousands of kiddos can have this season at Mortimer Farms! All is all - it comes down to us loving fall and how excited we are for you and your gang to come visit us!
It might be the mouthwatering pumpkin pecan pies, the most perfect weather, the excitement that comes from getting lost in a corn maze, the beautiful fall color, tasting fresh pressed apple cider, finding the most unique pumpkin in the patch, inhaling the crisp fall air, snuggling around the camp fire, or even those belly laughs that can be heard for miles and miles. Whoever the culprit may be we are addicted – addicted to fall! The only prescription? The only fix? Fall at Mortimer Farms - your fall destination.
For years my family and I have strived to create farm experiences that enable our guests to have a wholesome family time and make those memories that last more than a lifetime. I can say full heartedly the best times I had as a child were the times on my dad's lap on a tractor, playing on the old tires with my siblings, watching baby chicks hop around, helping my mama in the garden, checking the cows on cold, cold winter days - the list goes on and on. One thing I've noticed is my favorite memories are on the farm and the ranch. Memories I wouldn't change - EVER. For so long these memory making moments were only shared with a few close friends and family. Most families are generations removed from the farm, removed from those fun times and memory making moments like getting dirty, petting a goat, walking through a field of pumpkins, or even eating a burger from the same place it was raised. My love of fall grew even more as #MortimerFest began! I love fall because for a whole month I am able to see my childhood be recreated and thousands and thousands of families making memories that will last more than a life time.
There is something magical that comes with having fun on the farm, learning about where our food comes from, where it is grown, and who grows it. The farm helps us tap into our ancestor’s lives, what the country was founded on, and in many cases even help us have real, hearty family fun!
When I think of the magical times I had as a child I most definitely would say they were had at the farm. My siblings and I were great at turning anything and everything into a special and unordinary time! One of my favorite things we did was turn big piles of plain old dirt into the world’s best play area. We would slide down the big slops, balance on the slick parts, burry cool stuff and try and find it. We would play here for hours and hours. It wasn’t anything special – literally a pile of dirt and yet we had so much fun! Another one of my favorites is the Field Roller. It is a race inspired by the farming tool called a Field Roller. This is a piece of equipment that is hooked onto a big tractor and dragged across the field to break up large dirt clods before planting.
Needless to say growing up on a farm and now recreating all of those great times for families all over is a life I wouldn’t trade for any other. I am in love with fall on the farm - not flashy bright colorful carnival rides - much, much, much better than anything that can be found in the city. We are a farm - and oh, we know how to have a blast. Yahoo for Redneck Swing, Buckin’ Bull, Corn Bath, Pony Hop, Zip Lines, Tire Swings, Peddle Carts, Corn Maze, Pumpkin Pad, Zip Lines, Pony Rides, Barrel Train, farm animals, and SOOO MUCH MORE!!
Plus on top of all the rides and activities we find it extremely important to add farm education. Like I said up above so many little humans and big humans don't have the opportunity to set foot on a farm or a ranch and those that do often don't know much about the ins and outs of the agriculture industry. To feed the need WE HAVE FARM TOURS AND SHOWS - Dog Shows, Magic Shows, and my personal favorite - PIG RACES!! They all are a blast and they all teach our guests a few new facts about what we do each and every day.
I'm telling you - agriculture is the best thing that has ever happened to me. It is to thank for the best memories of my life and I am excited to share those same great memory making experiences with you and your family. We are extremely happy and excited for those lasting memories to be made. We also are so excited to be able to share our story with you and your family. We have a passion for what we do and the industry we are a part of - farming - ranching - feeding you. It is what we do and we love it. We invite you to learn about that passion and learn about what we do and why we do it. Enjoy your day - have a blast - pick an awesome pumpkin - eat mouthwatering farm food - and enjoy the wonderfulness that comes with being on a farm.
And don't forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and our blog - BeyondtheBarbwire. #Mortimerfarms #MortimerFest